From Kusabue Satake Yu
『草笛』 佐竹遊
As you fall asleep
Curled up inside your blanket
At the light of dawn
You look like an instrument
Whose song has fallen silent
At the breakfast table
The conversation flies
While inside my mouth
The bitter taste of celery
Continues to linger
As the chill sets in
In the star-studded sky
You and I become one
We go to bed together
Dancing like wild rabbits
Walking behind you
Gazing at the back of your head
The fragrance of your skin
From last night comes back to me
Awakening something deep inside
The sandy coastline
Seems to go on forever
Like the silence between us
As we gaze at the ocean
Stretching out endlessly
Just like the pattern
Found in the veins of a leaf
Scars are etched in my arms
When we lie down together
And I hold you from behind
You were sent to me
Just as I was sent to you
And I now wonder
Whether we are using each other
As some kind of sacred pawns
—Translation by Kimberly Hughes